Just those 3 little words can send a shiver down most peoples spines. The air filter, the lungs of any motorized vehicle out there AND probably the most over looked by the masses. Here is a step by step way to service this little piece of foam / paper element that lets your engine breath clean air. Kinda of the most important part of engine survival on the list . 

Engines can last a long time with these 3 things;

  1. Clean Air
  2. Good Lubrication
  3. Good Fuel  

Step 1

The first step is to find said air box, usually attached directly to the carburetor. I have talked with many costumers over the years the did not realize they needed to even look at this part of there ATV / SXS / Motorcycle.

.Air Box

Now I am not blaming these fine folks, the salesman YES (for not doing the delivery process correctly) but not the owner of the unit. Once you have located it remove the cover, this is always a surprise, just like Christmas morning and opening up that one present that your not realy sure if it is going to be a GREAT one or a new pair of toe socks (no offence to those that like toe socks). I have found all sorts of fun and interesting items inside the box, keys, nests of various types of rodents, grain, tools, WATER and other things that do not belong. I have also be surprised to find a clean and oiled air filter on units that you would think should not have it .

 The air filter

Here we are going to be doing an ATV filter as other models like SXS, Dirt bikes and motorcycles differ from this and I will do blog on them later K.

Next is to put on the gloves, I use these for most of my mechanical en devours as my hands do not like the chemicals any more. Remove the air filter most of them require you to loosen a screw clamp and remove the air filter and cage, this is where you will enjoy having gloves on, The filter should be oily and not fun to touch with bare skin, you have to remove the filter from the cage, this can be be tricky but doable.

The Cage

Now that the filter is off the cage inspect it for rips and or tares, if you find any put the filter in file 19 and install a new one

New filter

Let the fun begin, I use No- Toil for all of my air filters cleaning and oiling, this stuff has be around for a few years and we where one of the first dealers to use it exclusively in Alberta (way -way) back of course. It is biodegradable WHICH mean you can use it in the wife's kitchen sink and not worry about the environment (this may OR may not be conducive to good health as you must convince said wife of this)

The bucket

Follow the directions and let the cleaning begin. Remember that this is a 3 step process in which you need to take the time and do it correctly. Step 1 is find a clean container (an old ice cream bucket works really well). Add water and the cleaner, make sure you get the filter covered with the solution and let soak for the 5 ish minutes. 

Dirty Bucket

This is a great time to clean and inspect the air box, get all the oil residue of the sides and bottom, while you are there remove the water trap on the very bottom and clean it also. Notice if there are any cracks or holes in the air box and if you do find any make sure you fix or replace the air box. 

Now that the filter has been soaking it is time to see if it is coming clean, use fresh water (this is usually a good time to see it the kitchen is available, use at own risk BTW) and run it over the filter, this not only washes the cleaner out but also lets you see just how much dirt and dust this cool little piece of foam can capture, imagine if it was not there eh. BAD times for your engine.

Air and water

Step 2

Now that the filter is clean, if not repete set 1, you need to let it dry. Lots of ways to do this DO NOT USE THE DRIER (this is a NO NO in more than one way, you are welcome ladies) You can start with compressed air, please lower the out put to only a few PSI as you do not want to use full force here, this will get most of the remaining water out of the filter. Once you have most of the water out let it sit and "air dry" for a couple hours if you can. This insures that your filter is dry and clean.

Air dry

Step 3

This is my favorite part of this process so gloves on, get your self a plastic bag. Those one that grocery stores use work well but are fairly lite and do not last that long, parts bags work WAY better (here's link to them). Put the filter inside and ad No-Tiol oil to the bag and kneed (a baking term I believe?) it into the filter making sure it is fully saturated, once this is done pull out the filter and let it sit for a couple minutes before installing over the cage. 

The bag

To install the filter over the cage remember to not be afraid to stretch the filter a little as it is usually a very tight fit. Once you have it on the cage install the filter and tighten the clamp screw to secure the filter. Install the air box and you are done. 

The clamp


EXCEPT for the clean up, I usually put the lid on the cleaning bucket and reuse the solution as it will keep for a long time in the shop . I also keep the bag that the oil was in and seal it up to use at a later date. 

That's it!

Now there you have it a 3 step (ish) way to clean your ATV's air filter, Now I have made a couple of very HUGE assumptions here;

1) That your wife does the cooking and is in charge of the kitchen and laundry room , if not please disregard said statements as I mean noting by them. SMILE EH

2) that your ATV uses a foam air filter as this is the procedure for that. If you have a disposable paper element then this does not apply and you just r and r it , Done like dinner eh.

3) That you are not using a reusable paper filter, like a K&N one that require a different procedure to clean and re oil.